Mengakses SQL Server Menggunakan Bahasa Program C++

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012
Source Code untuk mengakses SQL Server melalui C++ sebagai berikut :

    Accessing SQL Server from C++

    #define DBNTWIN32

    // Forward declarations of the error handler and message handler.

    int err_handler(PDBPROCESS, INT, INT, INT, LPCSTR, LPCSTR);
    PDBPROCESS dbproc; // The connection with SQL Server.
    PLOGINREC login; // The login information.
    DBCHAR name[100];
    DBCHAR city[100];

    // Install user-supplied error- and message-handling functions.

    dberrhandle (err_handler);
  dbmsghandle (msg_handler);

    // Initialize DB-Library.

    dbinit ();

    // Get a LOGINREC.

    login = dblogin ();
    DBSETLUSER (login, "my_login");
    DBSETLPWD (login, "my_password");
    DBSETLAPP (login, "example");

    // Get a DBPROCESS structure for communication with SQL Server.

    dbproc = dbopen (login, "my_server");

    // Retrieve some columns from the authors table in the
    // pubs database.
    // First, put the command into the command buffer.

    dbcmd (dbproc, "SELECT au_lname, city FROM pubs..authors");
    dbcmd (dbproc, " WHERE state = 'CA' ");

    // Send the command to SQL Server and start execution.

    dbsqlexec (dbproc);

    // Process the results.

    if (dbresults (dbproc) == SUCCEED)

    // Bind column to program variables.

    dbbind (dbproc, 1, NTBSTRINGBIND, 0, name);
    dbbind (dbproc, 2, NTBSTRINGBIND, 0, city);

    // Retrieve and print the result rows.

    while (dbnextrow (dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS)
    printf ("%s from %s\n", name, city);

    // Close the connection to SQL Server.

    dbexit ();
    return (0);

    int err_handler (PDBPROCESS dbproc, INT severity,
    INT dberr, INT oserr, LPCSTR dberrstr, LPCSTR oserrstr)
    printf ("DB-Library Error %i: %s\n", dberr, dberrstr);
    if (oserr != DBNOERR)
    printf ("Operating System Error %i: %s\n", oserr, oserrstr);
    return (INT_CANCEL);

    int msg_handler (PDBPROCESS dbproc, DBINT msgno, INT msgstate,
    INT severity, LPCSTR msgtext, LPCSTR server,
    LPCSTR procedure, DBUSMALLINT line)
    printf ("SQL Server Message %ld: %s\n", msgno, msgtext);
    return (0);

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